I can’t tell yall how excited I was when I heard that Luckie would be putting out some items with Baby Bump appliers. What the heck is a baby bump? Pretty much what it sounds like. lol It’s a mesh pregnancy belly and I am currently using one! My partner and I are expecting our little bundle of joy to arrive Dec. 21st!  The Baby Bump works well for me with my Mirage boobs and Phat Azz. Have a look! And if you are expecting or thinking about expecting, stop by Luckie and check out the fits!

Also, skin makers for the Baby Bump are limited. I went with AMD and they were having a huuuge sale! Yay! I think it is still going on, ladies. Skins for 50 and 75L!! They also have Lolas appliers, phat azz appliers, the baby bump and baby bump appliers, and slink appliers!



Hair: Magika – Sudden (New!)

Skin: Apple May Designs – Farrah – Deep Tan

Outfit: Luckie – Swirl Onesie – Blush

Nails: Jamman – Ultra Mesh Rigged Fingernails

Breasts: Lolas – Mirage

Preggie Belly: Apple May Designs (AMD) – Baby Bump

Lower Body: L.inc – Phat Azz